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October 24, 2011

Troubling Crime Statistics

Violent crime was decreasing last year.  However, this wasn’t the case among people with physical/mental challenges.  These facts come from the US Department of Justice Bureau.
People with physical/mental challenges were twice more likely to be targeted for a crime than able-bodied people.  567,000+ people with physical/mental challenges were targeted for non-deadly crimes.  These crimes included robbery, assault, and rape.

The numbers of crimes stated among the physically/mentally challenged population decreased 25% from 2009.  However, people with physical/mental challenges are still being targeted at a high ratio.  Crimes occur 28 times per 1,000.

17% percent of people believed their physical/mental challenge was the reason they were victimized for a crime.  These people were also more likely to know the perpetrator.    Women with physical/mental challenges were slightly more at risk than men with physical/mental challenges.

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