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November 21, 2011

Intervention Services Scarce For Kids

Less than 3% of children with physical/mental challenges are utilizing early intervention services.  States such as New Mexico, Wyoming, and New Hampshire serve less than 4%.  Meanwhile, close to 13% are eligible for these services.

The information gathered was found by Easter Seals.  They discovered that these small percentiles of children with physical/mental challenges are involved in the Individuals Education Disabilities Act Section C which is government funded and provides services until age three.  It was also discovered that seven states didn’t provide services for children younger than two.

“With the right investment in treatment and therapy before the age of five, we can ensure every child in America can enter school ready to learn,” said Katy Neas, senior vice president of government relations at Easter Seals.

Neas and her co-workers state that this report is only a piece of the bigger picture.  They state less than 20% of children with physical/mental challenges are effectively tested for services.


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